Custom session to meet individuals needs
Guaranteed Success
Support students with remote learning
Take a test in our approved learning centre supervised by a professional educator

Looking to build confidence in a specific academic area?
One on one guidance from a trained specialist can help build understanding and achieve individual goals. Alpine Learning offers expertise from a team of experienced, educated and specialized instructors to support various learning needs for students in grades K-12. Specialties include educators in senior math, science, humanities and senior and early literacy, supporting both reading and writing. Our team can assist with executive functioning skills and goal setting ensuring students are set up for success as they move through primary school into high school and beyond with study techniques, organization and overall grade improvement.
Our team can help students choose online courses that can work with their learning profiles and personal schedules. We support high performing sport athletes with their academics to ensure they meet their full potential.
Our BC Certified teachers are trained to invigilate exams for schools and universities.
Team at Alpine Learning
Alpine Learning is a space where students come for support with tutoring, mentoring and mindfulness. We offer a relaxing setting where students can focus on their studies and their thoughts. Our environment offers a calm space for individualized guidance to meet each student’s needs. We have a large network of resources for both students and parents.
We support students with remote learning in grades
8-12 through Navigate NIDES.
We support students in:
Special Education
High Performance Athletes
Mental & Medical Health Supports
Accelerated Learning
"Children are worth moving mountains for."

High Performance Athletes
Alpine Learning serves close to 100 students weekly in one to one tutoring, support with virtual school and small group instruction. We support many students who are high performance sports athletes. Some are hockey players, skiers, bikers, figure skaters etc. Many of the athletes have demanding schedules that take them out of their regular classrooms. This can affect their learning. We are able to support students with achieving their full potential in their academics.
We can meet students in person at our learning centre or meet virtually when they are away. The learning doesn't need to take a break. Alpine Learning is offering an Academy program. The intention is to bring groups of learners together in pods, not specific to the sport but rather the learning goals. We have a partnership with a progressive online BC school where students have the choice to be enrolled in full time, or hybrid. This means students can attend both their local high school and participate in academy learning.
The learning can take place anywhere, at any pace. Should you have any questions or interest for your student, please reach out. The talent in our community is endless and these kids are so incredible to support. We are happy to connect with any parents who are interested in learning more about our services.
Flexible Scheduling
Full time and hybrid schedule available. Access to learning anywhere, at any pace.
Reaching Higher Limits Together
Take courses that aren't offered locally. There are no limits in what students can access.
Support from Professional Tutors
Local BC teachers and educators who are passionate about education and athletics.
Check out these links for specific resources:

WedgeWoods Strata 9157 Riverside Dr Whistler, BC V8E 1M1
(604) 907-1700